Blind Faith
A short but great band, with nothing less than Eric Clapton, Steve Windwood, Ginger Baker and Ric Grech.
Had to cry today
Blue tongue (from The Adventures of Bumblefoot, arranged for solo piano)
Every Time I Shake My Head (It's Like Christmas) (from Hermit, arranged for solo piano)
Lost (from 9/11). Some cool and tricky riffs in 5/8, octatonic licks and big dissonances: what's not to like? (Video)
R2 (from 9/11 or Uncool, depending of versions). A tune with a latin feel, that goes into real frenzy. I've made a piano arrangement, sort of, but I don't really think it's playable on piano… (Video)
Clare and the Reasons
The "jazziest" Crumb tune, beautiful chords and a very tricky 5/8-6/8 moment !
Étienne Daho, the French icon of the New Wave
Tombé pour la France
Week-end à Rome.
The Dø
Dust if off (with some lyrics !)
The Wicked and the blind (leadsheet + bass)
Despair Hangover & Ecstasy (leadsheet)
A Mess Like This (leadsheet)
Forever Pavot
Les Cigognes nénuphars
Joe & Rose
Jimi Hendrix
Freedom (my own arrangement, some parts re-harmonized)
Philippe Katerine
Nu (Video)
This may seem like a silly song, but the are some wild modulations and non-functionnal harmony!
The Lemon Twigs
These Words
Piano arrangement of this song that has been stuck in my head for a very long time now…
Portrait de la Jeune fille en feu (Portrait of a Lady on Fire).
Anne Sylvestre
Une Sorcière comme les autres
Shelter song (arranged for piano)
Charles Trénet
La Cigale et la Fourmi (leadsheet)
Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Swing and Sleep (Like a Shark) (II, 2013)
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