mercredi 24 novembre 2010

Nahre Sol

Nahre Sol doesn't really give titles to her melodies… Not really convinient !

A beautiful waltz, Reunited with my piano after my move. You can see the original video here, and I've made a video with it.

A Scarlatti-inspired tune. You can see the original video here, and I've made a video with it.
Since she asks, let's play her game and find her influences! It is obvious that the main structure is based on Scarlatti's Sonata K.27 in B minor: same melodic motifs, same techniques, same arpeggiated figures with crossing hands (bars 4-7 for example), same descending scale with repeated notes (bars 23-24)… The harmonic language is much more modern, the M7 and m9 chords remind me of Maurice Ravel. On the other hand, I don't know where the non-functional harmony comes from - it reminds me of Wayne Shorter, but I doubt he is one of her influences! Might be from Poulenc? Any ideas?

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